Knierim, K.J., Pollock, E.D., Hays, P.D., (2011) Using labeled isotopes to trace groundwater flow paths in a northwestern Arkansas cave (In Press) In Kuniansky, E.L. (2011) U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group proceedings, Fayetteville, AR April 26-28, 2011: USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report.
Pollock, E.D., Knierim, K.J., Hays, P.D., (2011) Seasonal carbon dynamics in a northwestern Arkansas cave: linking climate and cave conditions. In Kuniansky, E.L. (2011) U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group proceedings, Fayetteville, AR April 26-28, 2011: USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report.
Ziegler, S.E. and D.R. Lyon (2010). Factors regulating epilithic biofilm carbon cycling and release with nutrient enrichment in headwater streams. Hydrobiologia (Special Issue on Global Change in River Ecosystems). 657(1): 71-88
Van Dyke, J.U., M.V., Plummer, and S.J. Beaupre. 2010. Residual yolk energetics and postnatal shell growth in smooth softshell turtles, Apalone mutica. Comp.Biochem.Phys.A. IN PRESS
Gealy, D.R. and A.J. Fischer. 2010. 13C discrimination: a stable isotope method to quantify root interactions between C3 rice (Oryza sativa) and C4 barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) in flooded fields. Weed Science 58:359–368.
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Ziegler, S.E., Lyon, D.R. and S. Townsend (2009) Carbon release and cycling within epilithic biofilms in two contrasting headwater streams. Aquatic MicrobialEcology 55: 285-300
Ress Wittenberg, S. and Smith, K.G., 2009 Lack of differential migration in juvenile Merlins and Northern Harriers during fall migration in the Florida Keys Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121 (4) 841-843
Lyon, D.R. and S.E. Ziegler (2009) Carbon cycling within epilithic biofilm communities across a nutrient gradient of headwater streams. Limnology and Oceanography 54(2): 439-449.
Dekar, Matthew Magoulick, Daniel Huxel, Gary 2009 Shifts in the trophic base of intermittent stream food webs Hydrobiologia Volume 635, Number 1 263 277
Brahana, J.V, Tennyson, R., Terry, J., Hays P.D, Pollock, E., Reactivated Basement Faulting as a Hydrogeolologic Control of Hypogene Speleogenesis in the Southern Ozarks of Arkansas U.S.A. p 99-110 in Stafford, K. W., L. Land and G. Veni Advances in hypogene Karst Studies NCKRI symposium eds. 2009 National Cave and Karst Research Institute
Bellinger, B.J., Underwood, G.J.C., Ziegler, S.E, and M.R. Gretz (2009) The significance of diatom-derived polymers in carbon flow dynamics within estuarine biofilms determined through isotopic enrichment. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 55:169-187.
Rodney Tennyson, Jim Terry, Van Brahana, Phillip D. Hays, and Erik Pollock, 2008, Tectonic control of hypogene speleogenesis in the southern Ozarks — Implications for NAWQA and beyond, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5023, 142 p.
McCue, M.D. and E.D. Pollock. 2008. Stable isotopes may provide evidence for starvation in reptiles. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 22(15): 2307-2314.
McCue, M.D. 2008. Endogenous and exogenous factors influence 13C and 15N dietary fractionation in hissing cockroaches, Gromphadorhina portentosa. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 81(1): 14-24.
Guccione, M.J., 2008 Assessing the potential for buried archeological sites along the pipeline corridors of Fayetteville Express Pipeline, report submitted to URS Corporation.
Lichter, J., Billings, S.A., Ziegler, S.E., Gaindh, D., Ryals, R., Finzi, A.C., Jackson, R.B., Stemmler, E.A., Schlesinger, W.H. (2008) Soil carbon sequestration in a pine forest after nine years of atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Global Change Biology 14:2910-2922.
Gealy, D.R. 2008. A user-friendly 13C isotope discrimination method for root studies with rice and C4 weeds in field soils. Weed Science Society of America Meeting Abstracts. Vol 48. 1p.
Gealy, D.R., Moldenhauer, K.K., Mattice, J., Yan, W. 2008. Developments in rice allelopathy: Searching for the balance between allelopathic activity, agronomic viability and commercial acceptability. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Allelopathy, Saratoga Springs, NY, Sept. 21-25, 2008. p. 56.
Brahana, J.V, Tennyson, R., Terry, J., Hays P.D, Pollock, E., Tectonic Control of Hypogene Speleogenesis in the Southern Ozarks—Implications for NAWQA and Beyond in Kuniansky, E.L., 2008, U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Bowling Green, Kentucky,May 27–29, 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5023, 38 p.
Billings, S.A., Ziegler, S.E. (2008) Altered patterns of soil carbon substrate usage and heterotrophic respiration in a pine forest with elevated CO2 and N fertilization.Global Change Biology 14:1–12.
McCue, M.D. 2007. Western diamondback rattlesnakes demonstrate physiological and biochemical strategies for tolerating prolonged starvation. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 80(1): 25-34.
McCue, M.D. 2007. Environmental factors influence dietary fractionation of stable isotopes in hissing cockroaches. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry. 148A: S134-S135.
McCue, M.D. 2007. Stable isotopes track spatio-temporal patterns of nutrient allocation in postprandial pit-vipers. Research and Reviews in Bioscience. 1(1):17-26.
Guccione, M.J. and Rains, D.S., 2007, Assessing the potential for buried Archeological Sites along the Fayetteville Lateral Pipeline Corridor of Texas Gas Transmission, LLC, final report submitted to URS Corporation.
Gealy, D.R., Black, H.L., Moldenhauer, K.K. 2007. A multi-year comparison of rice-barnyardgrass root interactions in weed suppressive and non-suppressive rice cultivars using stable 13C isotope analysis. Proceedings of Southern Weed Science Society. Vol. 60.
McCue, M.D. 2006. Characterizing the starvation syndrome in the western diamond-back rattlesnake, a species well-suited for long-term fasting. FASEB Journal. 20(5): A827.
McCue, M.D. 2006. HIR-MS tracing of tissue specific allocation of 15N L-Leucine and 1-13C D-glucose in pitvipers. Physiologist, 49(6): C1-52.
Guccione, M.J., Horn, J.D., Hays, P. and Cothren, J. 2006, Geomorphology, Stratigraphy, Vegetation, and Paleoseismology of the Tryronza Area and Archeological sites 3PO608, 3PO610, and 3CT340/341, report submitted to SPEARS. Inc.
Guccione, M.J., and Hays, P.D., 2006, Geomorphology, sedimentology, and vegetation along the Red River floodplain, Bowie County, Texas, report submitted to LOPEZGARCIA Group.
Gealy, D. R. and K. A. Moldenhauer. Progress in Developing Weed Suppressive Rice Cultivars for the Southern U.S, In Handbook of Sustainable Weed Management, Haworth Press, and Binghamton, NY. Pages 257-296. 2006. (Invited book chapter)
Billings, S., Richter, D.D. 2006. Changes in stable isotopic signatures of soil nitrogen and carbon during forty years of forest development. Oecologia 148: 325-333, DOI 10.1007/s00442-006-0366-7.
Ziegler,S.E..; White, P.M.; Wolf, D.C.; Thoma, G. J (2005) Tracking the fate and recycling of a 13C-labeled glucose in soil. Soil Science 170: 767-778.
Sherri L. DeFauw, Thomas J. Sauer, Kristofer, R. Brye, Mary C. Savin, Phillip D. Hays, J. Van Brahana, 2005, Nitrate-N distributions and denitrification potential estimates for an agroforestry site in the Ozark Highlands, USA, World Agroforestry Congress, 7 p.
Laincz, Jozef, Hays, P.D., Ziegler, Sue, Winston, Byron, Murdoch, John F., Brahana, J.V., Steele, K.F., Chaubey, Indrajeet, and Davis, R.K., 2005, Characterization of nutrient processing at the field and basin scale in the mantled karst of the Savoy Experimental Watershed, Arkansas: : in Kuniansky, E.L., 2005, U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group proceedings, Rapid City, South Dakota, September 12-15, 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5160, p. 153.
Guccione, M.J. and Hays, P.D., 2005, A late Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction of several small streams, Gulf Coastal Plain, southeastern Arkansas, draft report submitted to M.J. Baker, Inc.
Gealy, D. R., L. E. Estorninos, Jr., E. E. Gbur, and R. Chavez. Interference interactions of two rice cultivars and their F3 cross with barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) in a replacement series study. Weed Sci. 53:323-330. 2005.
Gealy, D., B. Ottis, R. Talbert, K. Moldenhauer, and W. Yan. Evaluation and improvement of allelopathic rice germplasm at Stuttgart, AR, USA. Pages 157-167 in: Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Allelopathy, Eds JDI Harper, M An, H Wu and JH Kent, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia. International Allelopathy Society. 2005. P. 157-163 (Peer reviewed Proceedings)
Billings, S. and S. Ziegler (2005) Linking microbial activity and soil organic matter transformations in forest soils under elevated CO2. Global Change Biology 11:203-212.
Ziegler S. and S. Brisco (2004) Relationships between the isotopic composition of dissolved organic carbon and its bioavailability in contrasting Ozark streams. Hydrobiologia 513: 153-169.
Trimble, S.T., Sagers, C.L., 2004. Differential host use in two highly specialized ant-plant associations: evidence from stable isotopes. Oecologia 138:74-82
Straight, W.H., Karr, J.D., Cox, J.E., Barrick, R.E., 2004. Stable oxygen isotopes from theropod dinosaur tooth enamel:interlaboratory comparison of results and analytical interference by refernce standards. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometery 18: 2897-2903
Guccione, M.J., and Hays, P.D., 2004, Geomorphological Analysis: a Late Holocene Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of a Mississippi River Abandoned Meander near Lula, Mississippi: In Cultural Resource Phase III Mitigation of Sites 22CO573/773 and 22CO778 for the Construction of the Coahoma Welcome Center at the Interchange of U.S Highway 49 and U.S. Highway 61 Coahomo County, Mississippi, James P. Mooney, Susan K. Wilkerson, Troy Mead, James P Wilson, Report submitted by Michael J. Baker Jr.Inc. to Mississippi Department of Transportation, Jackson, Mississippi, p. 255-280.
DeFauw, S.L., T.J. Sauer, P.D. Hays, K.R. Brye, and J.V. Brahana, 2004, Hydrodynamics of an Experimental Silvopastoral Field in the Ozark Plateau of Northwestern Arkansas, USA. In: Book of Abstracts, First World Congress of Agroforestry, 27 June-2 July 2004, Orlando, FL, USA, p. 176.
Brisco, S. and S. Ziegler (2004) Effects of solar radiation on the utilization of dissolved organic matter in Ozark headwater streams. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 37: 197-208.
Schaffer, S.M., Billings, S.A., Evans, R.D., 2003. Responses of soil nitrogen dynamics in a Mojave Desert ecosystem to manipulations in soil carbon and nitrogen availability. Oecologia 134: 547-553
Reich, A., Ewel, J.J., Nadkarni, N.M., Dawson, T., Evans, R.D., 2003. Nitrogen isotope ratios shift with plant size in tropical bromeliads. Oecologia 137: 587-590
Billings, S.A., Schaffer, S.M., Zitzer, S., Charlet, T., Smith, S.D., Evans, R.D., 2002. Alterations of nitrogen dynamics under elevated carbon dioxide in an intact Mojave Desert ecosystem: evidence from Nitrogen-15 natural abundance. Oecologia 131:463-467
Billings, S.A., Schaeffer, S.M., Evans, R.D., 2002. Trace losses and N mineralization in Mojave Desert soils exposed to Elevated CO2. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 34, 1777- 1784
Gealy, D. R. Determination of root distribution of weed-suppressive rice (Oryza sativa) and barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) in field soil using 13C isotope analysis. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, B. R. Wells Rice Research Studies‑2000, eds. R. J. Norman and J. F. Meullenet, Series 485:69-74. 2001. (Edited Experiment Station Report; available online at
Sagers, C.L., Ginger, S.M., Evans, R.D., 2000. Carbon and nitrogen isotopes trace nutrient exchange in an ant-plant mutualism. Oecologia 123: 582-586